
Paulo Yukio Gomes Sumida
Obtained his BSc in Biology at Mackenzie University in 1989 and the MSc in Biological Oceanography at the University of São Paulo in 1994. In 1998, obtained a PhD in Biological Oceanography under the supervision of Professor Paul Tyler at the National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, UK, then Southampton Oceanography Centre (SOC). After leaving the UK, moved to Honolulu, Hawaii, to be a Post-Doctoral Fellow at Craig Smith Lab in the University of Hawaii at Manoa. In 2000, returned to Brazil to assume a position as Assistant Professor at the Oceanographic Institute of the University of São Paulo. In 2007, after defending his Livre-Docência, became Associate Professor and occupies this position since. Staff

Arthur Ziggiatti Güth
Arthur concluded his bachelor in Biological Sciences at the State University of Campinas in 1997 and his M.Sc. in Ecology in 2004 in the same university. He is currently a biologist and researcher at the Oceanographic Institute of the University of São Paulo and member of the Costa Brasilis Institute for Socio-environmental Development (NGO). His research experience includes Marine Biology and Biological Oceanography, specially benthic ecology, marine habitat mapping, phytal communities, environmental education, peracarid crustaceans and outreach. Researcher

Miguel Mies
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Thomás Nei Soto Banha
BSc in Oceanography from the Federal University of Pará (2016) and MSc in Oceanography from the Oceanographic Institute of the University of São Paulo (2018). Has experience with Symbiosis, Symbiodinium, Climate Change, Coral Bleaching and Macrozoobenthos and Scyphozoa Ecology.
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Camila Fernanda da Silva
Holds a Bachelor degree in Biological Sciences at the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas (2007). M.Sc. (2013) and PhD (2017) in Ecology obtained at the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP). She is currently an associate researcher at the Department of Animal Biology of the State University of Campinas and a Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Oceanographic Institute of Sao Paulo University (IO/USP). She has experience in Marine Biology and Ecology, focused on the benthic macrofauna. Acts especially with Annelida systematics, with emphasis on the family Capitellidae, and currently she’s working on mapping benthic deep-sea ecosystems and the biology of their associated fauna.
Linda Waters
I obtained two BS degrees, in Zoology and Physics, in 1997 from the University of Florida, USA. Between undergraduate and graduate school, I worked as an environmental scientist (atmospheric and oceanographic flow modeling), computer scientist (analysis of WAN networks), and animal technician (primate behavior and tracking). I obtained my Ph.D. in Marine Science in 2014 under Dr. Thomas Wolcott at North Carolina State University, USA. I moved to Sao Paulo, Brazil in 2015 for a post-doctoral position under Dr. Alex Turra. I then moved to my current post-doctoral position under Dr. Sumida in 2018 on Environmental Characterization of Deepwater Corals in the Santos Basin. I specialize in data interpretation, in which I integrate biological, physical and chemical data collection, processing and analysis. Current projects include automation of 3D reconstructions of deep reefs to correlate physical and biological parameters, extraction of overlay data from ROV videos, installation of a deep sea observation lander, and analysis of dominant bottom currents over reefs in the Santos Basin.

Bruno Henrique de Moraes e Souza
Graduated in Biological science at the Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie (2014) and MSc in Oceanography at the Instituto Oceanográfico da Universidade de São Paulo (2018). Bruno began to work at Lamp in 2014 as associated researcher and have been working with diversity, ecology and phylogeny of mollusks from chemosynthetic environments. Currently is studying mollusks inhabiting cold seeps in his PhD. Has experience with marine ecology and biology of benthic animals.
Gabriel Stefanelli Silva
I have a bachelor’s degree from the São Paulo State University and a master’s from the National Institute of Amazonian Research. During my undergrad studies, I had the opportunity to research deep-sea ichthyofauna. For my master’s, I carried out a project on the behavioral ecology of a forest stream fish. Currently, I seek to understand the trophic transfer of pollutants along deep-sea food webs and the role of microplastics as vectors as part of my PhD at the University of São Paulo.
Gilberto Bergamo
Graduated in Biological Sciences (2015) and achieved the Master of Science degree (MSc) in Zoology (2018), both at the Institute of Bioscience of the University of São Paulo. Currently is a PhD student studying the evolutionary history and connectivity of polychaetes of the family Siboglinidae, inhabiting cold seeps. Has experience in taxonomy, ecology, and reproduction of annelids.
Nayara Ferreira Carvalho
Has Bachelor's Degree in Biological Sciences (2012) by Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU) and Master's Degree in Oceanography (2016) by Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE). Currently studying PhD in Oceanography at the Oceanographic Institute of the São Paulo University (IO-USP). Works mainly in the subjects: Marine Ecosystem Ecology and Biodiversity Conservation, with emphasis on benthic animals.

Paulo Vinicius Ferraz Corrêa
Graduation at Biological Sciences from Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Unicamp (2013) and master's at Animal Biology, also from Unicamp (2016). Currently, I doing a PhD in Oceanography at the Instituto Oceanográfico da Universidade de São Paulo with samples collected in Rio Grande Rise. Has experience in Zoology and Ecology, mainly with Mollusca and Aplacophora.

Daniel de Matos Couto
Obtained his BSc in Oceanography at the University of São Paulo in 2017. He has been at LAMP since the beginning of 2016, and has already worked at the Primary Production Laboratory and the Oceanographic Instrumentation Laboratory. He did his undergraduate work on the endofauna of whale bones in the Southwest Atlantic Deep Sea, this work is associated with the BioSuOr Project. He is currently working on the Environmental Characterization of Deepwater Corals in the Santos Basin, an ANP project (National Agency for Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels).
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Felipe Porfirio
Master's student at the Biological Oceanography Program at the University of São Paulo (USP), Felipe completed his undergraduation in Oceanography at the Oceanographic Institute of USP. During graduation he was a trainee of the Laboratory of Benthic Dynamics - IOUSP, where he develops his research until today, under the supervision of Prof. Paulo Sumida. In his first scientific initiation he studied the biogeochemistry of coastal sediments in the region of Ubatuba, having worked over the years in the organization and realization of several field works, oceanographic cruises, sorting and identification of organisms from marine sediment, and more recently with benthic systems monitoring through digital image analysis. In his monograph, he used used data collected by the cabled underwater observatory NEPTUNE in Canada to study the effects of an anomalous hot water mass on benthic communities from that region. He currently works in a project studying deep-sea coral environments in the Campos and Santos basins by analyzing physical and environmental data and ROV images recorded by ROVs. In his masters, he uses ocean circulation numerical models, coupled with Lagrangian models of particle transport, to study the connectivity and distribution of deep-Sea corals, also in the Campos and Santos Basins
Guilherme Siqueira Toledo de Carvalho
I hold a Teaching and a Bachelor's degree in Biological Sciences from the Institute of Biosciences of the University of São Paulo (2021). I am currently a master's student in the postgraduate course of the Oceanographic Institute at the University of São Paulo, with experience in the areas of Marine Biology and Biological Oceanography, with an emphasis on Zoology and Systematic Taxonomy, acting mainly on the following themes: deep-sea bivalves, organic falls and reducing environments.
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Julia Metzker
Undergraduating in oceanography at the University of São Paulo (USP) and currently a trainee at LAMP, Julia is performing her first scientific initiation. She works on the BiOil Project with macrofauna associated with deep sea corals in cold seep environments, in the Santos Basin region.

Karina Lima Siqueira de Macedo
Undergraduate student in Biological Sciences at the University of São Paulo (USP) since 2018, conducts scientific initiation focused on the characterization of Antarctic marine polychaetes, collected in the SOBE project (Southern Ocean Benthic Observing Systems: Marine Biodiversity in relation to Evolutionary and Oceanographic Processes between Antarctica and South America).
Marcos Vinicius Carvalho Clemente
Undergraduate student in Oceanography at the University of São Paulo (USP). He is currently carrying out scientific initiation work with the characterization of the benthic macrofauna in the Pockmarks fields, in the Santos Basin region, on the southeast coast of São Paulo, associated with the BIOIL Project.